Živilė Pinskuvienė
The mayor of Širvintos district
Email: meras @ sirvintos.lt
Address: Vilniaus g. 61, Širvintos, LT1912, cab. No. 202
Phone: +370 382 51 233; +370 698 27 746
Born on 21st June 1975 in Širvintos, Lithuania.
Graduated from Širvintos 1st secondary school.
In 2001 graduated from Vilnius Gedinimas technology university, gained speciality of city and road engineering.
In 2003 graduated from Vilnius Gediminas technology university, gained master‘s degree of environmental engineering.
2004 - 2005 director of private company „Danielita“.
In 2005 assistant of the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania.
Inn 2006 counsellor of Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania.
In 2007 director of municipal administration of Širvintos district.
Since 2011 a member of Širvintos district municipality council, chairman of control committee.
2012 - 2013 deputy director of private company „Danielita“.
2013 - 2014 vice minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania.
Since 2014 commercial director of private company „Danielita“.
Since 2003 a member of Labour party.
Since 13 April 2015 a member of Širvintos district municipality council, temporary Mayor of Širvintos district.
Since 22 June 2015 The mayor of Širvintos district.
Hobbies – travelling, mountain skiing, automobile sport.
Speaks Russian (very well) and Polish (well) languages.
Married to Jonas Pinskus. Has two children: daughter Daniela and son Dovydas.